
It’s almost summer!
Just kidding! But it is time to plan for Summer 2020!
The Summer Session 2020 course schedule is on eServices.
Registration for summer began February 3. Summer classes can help you:
- stay on track for graduation
- free up time for an internship
- earn an additional credential
Visit the Summer Session website for more information.
Categories :
- Academics
- Anthropology & Earth Science
- Biosciences
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- College of Arts & Humanities
- College of Business, Analytics & Communication
- College of Education & Human Services
- College of Science, Health & the Environment
- Computer Science & Information Systems
- Dept of Economics, Law & Politics
- Dept of History, Languages & Humanities
- Employee News
- English
- Graduate Studies
- Health & Human Performance
- Mathematics
- Office of Online Learning
- Paseka School of Business
- Physics & Astronomy
- Professional Management Dept.
- Psychology
- School of Art
- School of Communication & Journalism
- School of Media Arts, Design & Entertainment
- School of Nursing & Healthcare Leadership
- School of Performing Arts
- School of Social Work
- School of Teaching & Learning
- Sociology & Criminal Justice
- Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences
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