Featured News
MSUM Named a Top College in Minnesota for Online Programs
Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM) has been recognized among the top three colleges for online students in Minnesota by Forbes ...
MSUM School Psychology Program Receives $750,000 in Workforce Pipeline Grant
Providing students scholarships, travel stipends, emergency funds and more Minnesota State University Moorhead received $750,000 for its school psychology graduate ...
MSU Moorhead and Moorhead Area Public Schools Launch Moorhead Scholars Program
Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSU Moorhead) is excited to announce the launch of the Moorhead Scholars program, a groundbreaking partnership ...
MSU Moorhead receives $2.2 million Title III grant from the U.S. Department of Education
The grant will be used to increase student retention and degree completion Minnesota State University Moorhead has received $2,248,731 million ...