Faculty Development Center announcements

Brittney Goodman, Michelle Malott, Becky Andres, and Alison Wallace, all members of the Faculty Development Committee, attended the AAC&U sponsored “Professional and Organizational Development Institute” in Atlanta Jan. 22-23, in preparation for the launching of our campus Faculty Development Center and associated programs.

Linda Houts-Smith gave two-part presentation at international conference

Linda Houts-Smith, Languages and Cultures, gave a two-part presentation entitled “More Often Than Most: The Frequency Rates of Next Speaker Selection Practices in Conversation” at the 2013 Hawaii University International Conference for Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences held Jan. 6-8. Her presentations were two facets of a larger study; one presentation was about frequency rates of next speaker selection practices […]

Team of MSUM faculty members attended workshop on flipped classrooms

Sara Anderson, Biosciences; Yolanda Arauza, American Multicultural Studies; Nathan Clarke, History; T.J. Hansen, Economics; Sheila Marquardt, School of Teaching and Learning; Alison Wallace, Biosciences; and Deb White, Sociology and Criminal Justice; attended a “Flipped the Classroom” workshop sponsored by the NorthEast Regional Computing Program and held at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass. on Dec. 3.

“Flipping the Classroom” workshop in Massachusetts, opportunity for faculty

As a follow-up to Professional Development Day, Academic Affairs Council and Faculty Development is interested in sending some faculty members to the following development opportunity on Dec. 3. Please send an email with a brief statement indicating your interest in this opportunity to Brittney Goodman at brittney.goodman@mnstate.edu no later than Nov. 13. Information about the workshop is below: