MSUM Working Through National Tragedies

President Anne Blackhurst recently sent an email to the campus community, reminding students, faculty and staff that MSUM stands in solidarity with those most affected by the fatal shootings in Orlando, Baton Rouge, Falcon Heights and Dallas. She stressed the importance of supporting one another during these tragedies, and offered resources for students, faculty and staff. 

Gov. Dayton Visits Moorhead, Urges Legislature to Finish Work, Invest in Better Minnesota

Gov. Mark Dayton will be visiting Moorhead and Worthington today, calling on legislators to finish their work and make critical investments in a Better Minnesota. Dayton will visit Minnesota State University Moorhead and the Lewis and Clark water project in Worthington, urging legislators to compromise on terms for a Special Session. Since June 1, 2016, Dayton has been calling on legislative leaders […]