MSUM Beta Gamma Sigma recognized as premier chapter

The MSUM School of Business Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter was recognized by its national organization as a Premier Chapter for 2010-2011. This designation signifies that the chapter achieved at least an 85% membership acceptance rate during that academic year. Beta Gamma Sigma is the international honor society serving business programs accredited by AACSB International – The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools […]

Deadline for submitting the activities budget application is fast approaching!

Every year recognized student organizations and student-concentrated programs get an opportunity to apply for annual funds from the Student Activity Budget Committee (SABC). Please visit the OSA website to complete the application for fiscal year 2013 funding (Fall 2012-Spring 2013). All applications must be delivered by e-mail to Sandy Schob ( The deadline to apply is December 4th, 2011 at […]

CMU update for student leaders

It is time to start planning your meetings for Spring Semester! Comstock Memorial Union policy allows recognized student organizations, who are not on probation according to the Office of Student Activities policies, to schedule a meeting room on a continuous basis of reasonable frequency for one semester at a time. Plan ahead and reserve your space now.

PRSSA hosts blood drive Thursday

The Public Relations Student Society of America is hosting a blood drive  Thursday, December 1, from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in CMU 227. Medical advances and modern surgical techniques, such as cancer treatments, organ transplants, and open heart surgery, have increased the need for blood. A single blood donation can be separated into components, so your donation may help […]

Sigma Tau Delta holds holiday literature reading

December 8 @7 p.m. • Red Raven Espresso Parlor • Fargo Let our festive event overshadow your spirits dampened by thoughts of finals. Come rejoice in the cheerful recital of holiday stories. Bring family and friends to this child-friendly event. Whether it is Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, Yule, religious or secular, ALL holiday-themed works of prose or poetry welcome! Sign up […]