MSUM PRSSA Blood Drive

What: Blood Drive (United Blood Services) sponsored by PRSSA When: Tuesday, April 23, 10 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. Where: Mass Comm Lounge, 2nd Floor MacLean Hall Why: To be a life saver! How: Schedule a donation appointment by contacting Kelly Falk by phone at 701.212.8599 or by email at

PRSSA holds officer elections for 2013-14

ELECTIONS PRSSA will be holding elections for the 2013-2014 executive board in May. A list of the open officer positions are attached along with an application. Applications must be turned into the PRSSA room or a current officer by April 22. It is allowed to run for more than on position. PRSSA has meetings every Friday at 9:30 a.m. in […]