Dorothy Dodds passed away Saturday

Dorothy Dodds passed away Saturday, Dec. 15. Service will be held Saturday, Dec. 22 at the First Presbyterian Church in Moorhead. Time is yet to be determined. Dodds taught kindergarten at the Moorhead State Campus School from 1949 until the school closed in 1972. She taught in Minnesota State University Moorhead’s education department until her retirement in 1986. Dodds developed […]

Go Pink Scholarship – Deadline is December 14

The deadline to apply for the Go Pink Scholarship is Dec. 14, 2012.   You can pick up an application in the Athletic department (Nemzek 106) or by contacting Gloria at or Ashley at or by calling 218.477.5824. Eligibility: Enrolled at Minnesota State University Moorhead during the full 2012-13 academic year (One scholarship will be awarded to a student-athlete […]

Dragon Fire Holiday Auction bidding under way

The Dragon Fire Online Holiday Auction is open for bids with less than a week remaining!  Bid on the Mexico Timeshare, autographed football by Tim Tebow, other sports memorabilia, Dragon apparel, and other great items!  ANYONE can bid on the items so share the auction link with your friends and family. Check out the Dragon Fire Online Holiday Auction at this auction […]

Give to the Max Nov. 15

MAXimize their knowledge. MAXimize their opportunity. MAXimize your impact. Alumni and friends are invited to Give to the MAX on Thursday, Nov. 15 from 12:01 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. Support students through your donation to the MSUM Alumni Foundation. Now more than ever, students need your help to succeed. Higher tuition and lower state funding means students increasingly depend on […]