Brad Bachmeier inducted to Hall of Fame

Current Chair of the School of Art, Brad Bachmeier will be inducted into the Fargo North High School Hall of Fame on Saturday, September 23. Mr. Bachmeier taught at Fargo North from 2001-2008. He will be honored for his impact on students and accomplishments during his tenure at the school. Bachmeier initiated several firsts for North Dakota in Visual Arts […]

History Study Abroad Excursion for Spring 2024: Norway 

The History Program will be running an 8-day study abroad excursion to Kristiandsand, Norway and surrounding areas in April of 2024 in conjunction with HIST 390. This spring-semester course is 3 credits, and is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about the history of museums at home and abroad, careers in the field, theory, and practical applications […]