Alex Kuraev – Finalist for Asst. Director of International Recruitment and Enrollment Open Forum March 28

Alex Kuraev is a finalist for the Assistant Director of International Recruitment and Enrollment position.  His interview day, March 28,  will include an open forum at 1 pm. The open forum is listed below with Zoom link.  There is also an opportunity for you to provide feedback via the “submit feedback” link below.  We greatly appreciate your participation in the […]

MSU Moorhead hosts Admitted Student Day Jan. 21

The Admissions team is ready to welcome future Dragons to Admitted Student Day Friday, Jan. 21 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Comstock Memorial Union Ballroom. Please be sure to warmly welcome wandering students and families! Admitted students will hear from current students, faculty and staff representing services like Financial Aid, Academic Support, Diversity and Inclusion, Housing and […]

MSUM Increases Scholarship Investment to Students

MSU Moorhead has made significant changes to its automatic scholarship program for new students entering Fall 2022. “We recognize that students have worked hard in high school and we want to reward that performance by providing bigger and better automatic scholarships,” said Tom Reburn, MSUM’s director of undergraduate admissions. “Not only that, we have made it easier for students to […]

Refer a student to MSUM

Did you know that you can share the names of students you would like to receive MSUM information with the Admissions Office? Sometimes, students may not receive MSUM materials because they haven’t shown interest in MSUM or their names aren’t on email name buys. We encourage you to recommend students through our request form.