9 ways to prepare for college

1. Save Your Money! You’ll thank yourself later. It is recommended not to work a lot of hours your first few weeks of school to help ease the transition. 2. Hang Out with Your Hometown Friends and Family We know moving away from your family and hometown friends is really hard, but there are so many people left to meet […]

771 new students registered during SOAR — so far

Student Orientation Advising Registration (SOAR) is the program to welcome new students to the Dragon Family. During the most recent SOAR, which ran June 7, 8, 12, 13, 14 and 15, 771 students were registered, 673 of whom were new entering freshmen and 98 transfer students. This was 18 more students than served last year at this same time. In […]

12 questions with our newest admissions rep

We are excited to welcome Makayla Schroeder to our team! Makayla can’t wait to help students throughout North Dakota with their college search. Where are you from? Carrington, North Dakota Where did you go to college? What did you graduate with? I graduated with a B.A. degree in Communication Studies from MSUM and a M.Ed. Student Affairs degree from Iowa […]