SAVE THE DATE: Staying Resilient: Remembering George Floyd in the Midst of Adversity with Attorney General, Keith Ellison

Friday, May 3 | 9:15 a.m. – 10:15 a.m. | Register at:

Minnesota State is hosting a systemwide collaboration event featuring Attorney General Keith Ellison talking about “Staying Resilient: Remembering George Floyd in the Midst of Adversity” on Friday, May 3 from 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. via Zoom and hybrid.

Attorney General Keith Ellison will be speaking from the system office (and via Zoom) how our country is in a moment of backlash against the hard-fought progress we’ve made towards greater freedom and justice for all Americans. Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison will examine the many fronts of that backlash and explore the ways George Floyd’s murder and the subsequent trial of Derek Chauvin signaled to many Americans that we all need to join in the work to strengthen and protect our multiracial democracy.

Register at:

Limited in-person seats are available at the system office in St. Paul. Please email Ka at to reserve your seat.