Professional Captions for Videos

Professional Captioning for Kaltura MediaSpace Videos

According to the World Health Organization, over 5% of the world’s population has disabling hearing loss (WHO). Closed captioning of videos provides a critical service for individuals with hearing loss. Captions also provide support to individuals who use captions to support language learning, critical concept reinforcement, and/or who may be viewing a video in a noisy or distracting environment. Accuracy of captions is important to allow these individuals the opportunity to comprehend and engage with the video content. 

Educational best practices and industry standards for closed caption accuracy is a 99% accuracy rate (DCMP; Harvard; 3PlayMedia; FCC). Kaltura MediaSpace will automatically produce machine-generated captions for your videos. At times, though, these captions are not accurate enough to be usable by viewers who require captioning. Before sharing a video, always check the captions to ensure they meet this standard. 

Thankfully, the machine-generated captions in Kaltura MediaSpace can be edited when inaccuracies do occur. The process is not difficult, nor terribly time-consuming for shorter videos. 

However, you may find yourself with a video that requires extensive caption editing due to video length, multiple speakers, or other such conditions. In such cases, professional captioning services are available to do that editing work on your behalf. Follow the steps in this document to order professional captioning for your Kaltura MediaSpace video. If you have any questions about videos or captioning, don’t hesitate to ask! (


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