Thanks for Giving: Stock the Dragon Pantry

In the spirit of giving, help us stock the Dragon Panty to support fellow students here at MSUM. During the week of Nov 15th through Nov 19th, the psychology club will be asking students, faculty, and staff to bring in nonperishable food and toiletry items to the psychology department on the third floor of Bridges Hall, BR 360. All items will go toward stocking the Dragon Pantry in Flora Frick. The items will be there for students in need.

We are asking for nonperishable food items; anything to make a full meal. This could include pasta dinners, boxed stuffing, cereal, canned fruit, etc. Other requested items are toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner, feminine supplies, dish soap, laundry soap, toilet paper, and hand soap are also welcome. Please help out the MSUM community and your fellow dragons!