Nearly 100 MSUM students and faculty clean neighborhoods around campus

The MSUM Learning Communities partnered with Service Learning Coordinator, Mike Coquyt, to initiate the first Learning Community Evening of Service. Friday, Oct. 18 from 3 to 5 p.m., 86 students and six faculty members will rake leaves and clean neighborhoods around MSUM along 10th, 11th and 12th St. S in Moorhead.

After the students complete the service project, they will engage in a debrief facilitated by faculty and staff about ways the service connects to their major or other course content. The students will also reflect on the impact the service project had on each of them.

Their service learning hours will count toward MSUM’s goal of 125,000 service hours in honor of the university’s 125th anniversary. Students, faculty and staff are all working toward this goal.