Travel requisition and employee expense report process training today

WHAT: Training on the travel requisition & employee expense report process changes
: 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 15
: CB 105

Travel requisition and employee expense report changes are being implemented based on the recommendations of both the Lean process and the Business Office staff meetings. Following is a brief preview of the changes to MSUM’s travel policy & procedures:

1). As per Board policy, a travel authorization (formerly “travel requisition”) for an in-state trip (Fargo is considered in-state) will no longer be required by the Business Office in order for the employee to be reimbursed. Although not required, it is still considered a good business practice for employees to complete a request so supervisors and the employee have a clear understanding of when the employee will be absent from campus, how workload will be covered in their absence, and the anticipated cost of the trip.

2). As per Board policy, a travel authorization (formerly “travel requisition”) for out-of-state and international travel is required to be done in advance of the trip. The approved travel authorization must be submitted to the Business Office as part of the documentation required for payment of any trip expenses.

3). Employees will only include expenses for which they are to be reimbursed on the Employee Expense Report. This replaces the current practice of recording all trip expenses including those that are being paid via the purchasing card or a purchase order. Original, itemized receipts for travel expenses are to be submitted to the Business Office along with the documentation for payment (either employee expense report, purchasing card, or purchase order). Original, itemized receipts are not necessary when claiming contractual maximum allowances for meals.

4). Similar to the purchasing card process, incomplete paperwork will be returned to the supervisor for resolution with the employee. The expectation is that employees, supervisors, and the Business Office share in the responsibility for an efficient and effective process that provides timely reimbursement to employees.

Please mark your calendars to attend the training. If you are not able to attend, this information session will also be presented in mid-September. Revised travel authorization and employee expense report forms will soon be available on the Business Office website.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Deanne Drummond, Accounts Payable Supervisor, at or 477.2222.

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