Are you ready for the flood?
Free webinars for faculty; presented by Instructional Technology Services
During spring break, Instructional Technology Services will present 4 webinars for faculty to help in the event of a flood situation which may require alternate delivery of instruction for your students – pre-recording lectures, using email listserves, overview of Desire2Learn, and overview of Moodle.
Webinar: Pre-recording Lectures with the Panopto lecture capture system
When: March 16th (Wed) from 9AM-10AM
Where: Online at
RoomID: rooma (additional information about the session and preparing your computer for the webinar)
Registration: Please click the following link to register for this webinar
Webinar: Using the Moodle Course Management System to post materials, collect assignments and give online tests
What: Intro/Overview of the Moodle Course Management System
When: March 16 (Wednesday) 11AM – noon
Where: Online at
RoomID: rooma (additional information about the session and preparing your computer for the webinar)
Registration: Please click the following link to register for this webinar
Webinar: Using e-mail listserves to distribute course materials and communicate with your class
Who: MSUM Faculty
What: Using Email listserves to distribute course materials
When: March 16 (Wednesday), 1PM-2PM
Where: Online at
RoomID: rooma (additional information about the session and preparing your computer for the webinar)
Registration: Please click the following link to register for this webinar
Webinar: Using the Desire2Learn Course Management System to post materials, collect assignments and give online tests
Who: Faculty who wish to teach through Desire2Learn
What: Overview of Desire2Learn
When: March 16 (Wednesday) 3-4PM
Where: Online at
RoomID: rooma (additional information about the session and preparing your computer for the webinar)
Registration: Please click the following link to register for this webinar