Woodlands and High Plains Powwow at MSUM April 10

The 21st annual Woodlands and High Plains Powwow will be held at Alex Nemzek Fieldhouse on the MSUM campus Saturday, April 10. The annual celebration features traditional American Indian music, dance, and regalia. Grand entries are scheduled at 1 and 7 p.m. and a free meal will be served at 5 p.m.

The one-day powwow will be “traditional,” meaning that the emphasis will be on celebration rather than competition. The event is expected to attract spectators, dancers, and drum groups from throughout the Midwest.

An admission fee will be charged to defray costs. Adults $3, ages 19-54; children $2, 6-18 years; Seniors 55+ and children 5 & under will be admitted free.

All Concordia, MSUM, NDSU, and MSCTC Moorhead college students are admitted free with college ID.

The powwow is sponsored by Concordia College, MSUM, North Dakota State University, and Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Moorhead.

For more information about the powwow, contact Jody Steile, MSUM, 218-477-4272 or steilejo@mnstate.edu or Keith Clark, clarkkei@mnstate.edu

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