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Heating and cooling changes will translate to significant energy savings

The MSUM HVAC Department is implementing a new program in the campus building automation system to help cut back on energy costs. Based on the previous fiscal year, the average monthly electric demand charge from Moorhead Public Service is $58,000 and the average electric charge is $50,700. The new heating and cooling changes are being implemented to reduce the demand charge by five percent. Click headline for more information.

Student organization award winners announced

The following awards were presented at the Annual Student Organization Awards Ceremony. STUDENT ORGANIZATION SCHOOL SPIRIT & CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT: Nemzek Noize; STUDENT ORGANIZATION COMMUNITY & CAMPUS SERVICE: Panhellenic Council; STUDENT ORGANIZATION ADVISOR OF THE YEAR: Janet Hohenstein; STUDENT LEADERSHIP AWARD: Maria Camargo; STUDENT ORGANIZATION OF THE YEAR: Student Senate. Click headline for more information and to see all the nominees. Also included, all students named to WHO’S WHO AMONG STUDENTS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES & COLLEGES.