Horizonlines story selected for Oxford University Press publication

Oxford University Press has requested permission to use a portion of the story “Uncovering the history behind collecting” from volume 4 of Horizonline.org, Inside Collecting, for inclusion in an Oxford University Press publication. The text will be used as part of a language-learning exercise in a workbook titled Cambridge English First Masterclass Workbook by Simon Haines and Barbara Stewart. This […]

MSUM Horizonlines.org is national finalist

Earns 3rd EPPY among 65 national, regional awards Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Horizonlines.org was named a national finalist in the 2012 EPPYTM Awards presented by “Editor & Publisher” magazine. In its 17th year, this international contest honors the best media-affiliated websites across 30 diverse categories, including recognizing excellence in college and university journalism in three categories.