Department of Leadership and Learning launches Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning

The Department of Leadership and Learning is pleased to announce the official launch of the Interactive Journal of Global Leadership and Learning (IJGLL). This peer-reviewed journal is associated with the Doctor of Education degree program at MSUM. Special recognition should be given to Dr. Ximena Suarez-Sousa, the IJGLL’s managing editor, for her efforts to make this journal a reality. The […]

Student work acknowledged in international journal

The work of MSUM Physics/Sustainability/Chemistry majors Sakurako Tani, Salim Thomas, Melissa Foley, Gabe Buehler, and Abel Eshete was acknowledged in the international journal Solid State Ionics. The project seeks to understand the underlying physics of sodium ion conduction in glasses. The work has potential to improve sodium battery technology for use on an industrial scale in solar and wind farms. […]