Society of Physics Students members attend, present at conference

MSUM’s Society of Physics Students members Melissa Foley, Jane Glanzer and Isobel Snellenberger attended and presented at the APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics at Northwestern University January 18-20. There, they learned about challenges of being a woman in physics and presented their research done at MSUM. Melissa, Jane and Isobel hope to use tools learned at this conference […]

Department of Physics & Astronomy Seminar Series – Student Presentation: Jane Glanzer

Friday, Sept. 28 | 3-3:50 p.m. | Hagen Hall 325 Investigations of Noise Transients in the Advanced LIGO Calibration Model LIGO searches for gravitational waves in calibrated data using time-dependent calibration parameters. In this project, we looked for significant fluctuations in these parameters during the second observing run. Large fluctuations in these parameters may indicate a significant error in the Advanced […]

Student Leadership Award Winners

The Student Leadership Awards Ceremony was held to celebrate and recognize student involvement at MSUM. The ceremony was held on Wednesday, April 18 where we recognized these individuals for their inner passion to get active, connected, and involved. The Student Leadership Award winners: Olivia Matthews with SPECTRUM for Student Organization Advisor of the Year Adam Schutt from Kappa Sigma for […]

Physics Seminar: Senior Project Proposals

Friday, Feb. 23 | 3-3:50 p.m. | HA 325 Physics Seminar this Friday will feature senior project proposal talks by MSUM physics students Sam Holen and Jane Glanzer. Jane will speak about super novas in a talk titled “Light Curve Study of SN2011fe with the Stretch and MLCS Method.” Sam will speak about different ways to determine the electric potential […]