Calculating Grades in D2L Brightspace Webinar

Monday, April 20 | Noon-1 p.m. Trying to figure out all the details of Gradebook settings and how calculations are performed?  Want to learn the options for the Students’ view of grades? The webinar will cover: Differences between Adjusted Final Grade and Calculated Final Grade Student Grade View—understanding how faculty determine what students will see and when they’ll see it […]

End of Semester Tasks

As finals begin and faculty start entering final grades for Spring 2019, please refer to the following checklist for end of semester tasks for your courses in D2L Brightspace. Online Course Evaluations Are you teaching an online course but need a way to conduct course evaluations? Consider using the Online Course Evaluation tool. (Optional) Display Cumulative Grade To Students Are […]

End of Semester Tasks

As finals begin and faculty start entering final grades for Spring 2018, please refer to the following checklist for end of semester tasks for your courses in D2L Brightspace. (Optional) Display Cumulative Grade To Students Are your students aware of their current grade as they enter finals? An easy way to let your students see their current grade is to […]

Student assigned an incomplete grade?

Was a student approved by the Records Office to receive an incomplete grade in your course? See attached Incomplete Form. Contact Instructional Technology Services if the student assigned the incomplete grade needs extended access to your course in Desire2Learn. Due to FERPA, the student must complete the course in their enrolled semester. ITS can change the student’s role in the […]