Student assigned an incomplete grade?

Was a student approved by the Records Office to receive an incomplete grade in your course? See attached Incomplete Form.

Contact Instructional Technology Services if the student assigned the incomplete grade needs extended access to your course in Desire2Learn.

Due to FERPA, the student must complete the course in their enrolled semester. ITS can change the student’s role in the D2L course to Student-incomplete. The “Incomplete” role allows the student access to the course beyond the official course end date.

Send an email to Instructional Technology at to switch a student’s role to Incomplete. Please provide the following information when making your request:

– Course Name, Number, and Section (e.g., ED 101 01)
– Course ID # (e.g., 001234)
– Enrolled Semester
– Student’s Full Name
– Student’s 8-digit Dragon ID

Because the “Incomplete” role has an open end date, ITS will contact you close to the end of the allowable completion date for an update on the student’s progress. Once ITS receives confirmation that the student has completed the course, ITS will change the student’s role and end their access.

Speaking of final grades… Have you noticed some students have been dropped from your D2L classlist after you entered final grades and last date attended? If so, refer to the instructions at the ITS Blog for more information.