Humble beginnings to the Commencement stage: Gricel Escobedo-Kingwell shares her story

Gricel Escobedo-Kingwell’s parents did not attend school beyond sixth grade, but life’s early obstacles inspired her fierce determination and a deep-rooted belief in the power of education. She says of her MSUM experience, “Throughout the program, I’ve learned to be my authentic self. So many times in education, I haven’t felt that way.” At the spring commencement ceremony, she will […]

MSUM adds new healthcare emphasis to its Ed.D. program

MSUM is accepting Fall 2023 applications for its new healthcare emphasis in the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Leadership.  This emphasis will give students more opportunities to advance in healthcare education and leadership in the community. The program emphasizes the importance of collaboration between disciplines such as healthcare administration, education and nursing. “Healthcare requires transformational leaders, and this type […]

Town Hall Meeting

Wednesday, Oct. 25 | 3-4:30 p.m. | Comstock Memorial Union Ballroom The next Town Hall meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 25 from 3-4:30 p.m. in the Comstock Memorial Union Ballroom. Agenda Budget Update: Hear updates in this important area Admissions/Recruitment Update: Hear about strategies and tools used to refine the recruitment process Retention Update: Topics – Transfer Students/International Students/Academics and Mapworks […]