Business administration student elected International Collegiate DECA President

MSUM business administration student Gage Donovan was recently elected the 2020-2021 International Collegiate DECA President. DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. Donovan is incredibly honored to have this leadership role and looks forward to all of the good that he can do within this […]

MSUM DECA team excels at state competition

MSUM’s DECA team did an amazing job at the state competition. They placed in 28 of 33 competitions: 14 first-place awards, six second-place awards and eight third-place awards. In addition, more than 30 students qualified for the DECA International Career Development Conference, which was unfortunately canceled in light of events. Student awards Rebecca Rage – Grand Forks, ND Business Research – First […]

Dragons at DECA International

Seventeen Dragons competed at the recent Collegiate DECA International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Fla. MSUM had a very successful event with students placing in eight international categories: International Finalists (Top 8) Gage Donovan – Business Research Gage Donovan – Entrepreneurship Challenge Julia Stenberg – Managerial Accounting Laura Squires – Entrepreneurship Operations Zac Spohn – Entrepreneurship Challenge Zac Spohn – […]

MSUM Collegiate DECA team attends conference, wins 16 awards

The MSUM Collegiate DECA team attended the two-day annual Collegiate DECA State Career Conference in Minneapolis last week. A record 21 Dragons participated in the business competitions, winning a total of 16 first, second and third places (see list below). The winners qualify to compete at the DECA International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Fla., in April. In addition, two […]