MSUM New Hire

Please join us in welcoming the following new employees to Minnesota State University Moorhead. Make sure to stop by their departments to say hello and let them know It’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon! May 16, 2016 Gary Haugo – VP for University Advancement, University Development & Alumni Relations

MSUM Open House Care/Party pack

Thank you for hosting a Homecoming open house/reunion. We hope you have a good turnout and enjoy engaging with alumni & friends. Each department has been supplied the following “party favors.” 25 Alumni contact cards – encourage alumni to complete these cards.  They are our # 1 source of information, interests, address and career updates, (use them as a “carrot” […]

Homecoming Academic Showcase/Reunions

Faculty and academic programs have the most influence and impact on students/alumni. Over and over alumni tell us about faculty who impacted their lives. In celebration of MSUM’s 125th anniversary, many events are planned for Homecoming 2013 to showcase MSUM’s outstanding programs and engage students, alumni and the community. Departments that are interested in offering a showcase/reunion Friday, September 27 from […]