450 Expected to Graduate from MSUM Dec. 18

The Fall Semester commencement ceremony will take place next Friday, December 18th, at 2:00 p.m. in Nemzek Fieldhouse. 453 students have applied for graduation. More than half are expected to participate in the ceremony. Alumna Tammy Miller will be the commencement speaker. She has a BS in accounting (1982) and an MBA (1996) from MSU Moorhead. She has received two distinguished alumna awards from her alma mater. Miller is leading MSUM’s Major Gifts Initiative to fund scholarships and the new campus wellness center. Click the headline to read more.

Red Weather submissions

Undergraduates, graduates, alum and faculty: If you are interested in submitting your fiction, non-fiction, poetry, artwork or photos to Red Weather, you’ll find guidelines on the website www.mnstate.edu/redweather/. Submissions close on January 18, so revise, polish and submit your work for the Spring 2010 issue of Red Weather. Click headline for more info.

Check out the Wellness Center Dec. 9

Who says the students have to have all the fun? Come relax and have fun on study day, Wednesday, December 9! EXAM JAM Starts at 3 PM with FREE smoothies by Sodexo, Food and PRIZES! The fun includes karaoke, bands, rock wall, basketball and more! Click headline for event details.

MSUM juried film exhibition Dec. 11

The MSUM Film Studies Department will hold the 2009 Juried Film Exhibition on Friday, Dec. 11 at 7 p.m. in Weld Hall Glasrud Auditorium.The exhibition will showcase the best student work from the fall semester, as chosen by a panel of judges. The jury will be choosing work from the semester’s production classes, which include Film 172: Video Production, Film 284: Beginning Filmmaking, Film 384: Techniques of Directing, Film 484: Intermediate Filmmaking, and Film 485: Advanced Filmmaking. Click headline for more information.

An Evening of Two One-Acts Dec. 4 & 5

“How Will You Know Us Now, Or Anytime?” is from Richard Paul Klein, MSUM’s award-winning student playwright. He scores another hit when secrets are revealed that will test personal beliefs and family pride. Anton Chekov’s “The Proposal” explores courtship in this satirical comedy. Can love conquer all, or is love a fuse just waiting to be lit? Click headline for Dec. 4 & 5 showtimes.