Professor emerita elected VP of Literacy Research Association

Dr. Doris Walker-Dalhouse, Professor Emerita, College of Education, has been elected VP-elect of the Literacy Research Association (LRA). LRA is a non-profit professional organization of scholars dedicated to promoting research that enriches the knowledge, understanding, and development of lifespan literacies in a multicultural and multilingual world Walker-Dalhouse will assume the presidency of the association in 2022.

Schultz earns doctoral degree, presents at virtual conferences this summer

Planetarium Director, Sara Schultz, completed her doctoral degree this summer from the University of Wyoming. Her degree is in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on Science Education, in particular, using the planetarium as a teaching tool. Her doctoral research investigated the nature of formative assessment in the form of assessment conversations (i.e. strategic questioning) present in planetarium presentations across […]