Save the Date: The Nonlinear Mindset – Be More Adaptable During Changing Times (with Elizabeth McCourt, sponsored by EBSCO)

The Nonlinear Mindset: Learn to Be More Adaptable During Changing Times – with Elizabeth McCourt, sponsored by EBSCO Information Services April 7, 2022 10 am Central Time Elizabeth approaches life and work holistically, balancing keen business acumen with emotional intelligence that allows her to work globally and cross-culturally as a thought-leader, executive coach, writer, speaker, TEDx talker and nonlinear creator. […]

Online Learning Workshop: Crash Course in Backward Design

Monday, March 21st  1:00-2:00 pm via Zoom  Crash Course in Backward Design   Backward Design is a method of instructional design in which you anchor the development of a course in clarification of measurable learning objectives and deliberately work backward from there. The intention is that if you ultimately know what you want students to take away from your course, you […]

ISRS to Brightspace Integration Update

On March 17th a new integration between ISRS and Brightspace will be implemented. This new integration provides several benefits over the current integration: Courses are created immediately within Brightspace, including courses in upcoming semesters. Enrollment changes appear within Brightspace faster (15 minutes, rather than several hours). Cancelled courses will be removed automatically from Brightspace. Courses will have course end dates […]

Discontinuation of D2L Brigthspace Update Announcements

D2L Brightspace is updated monthly and many of the changes in these updates are not disruptive. To reduce the number of announcements and subsequent notifications we will no longer post a monthly update announcement. Don’t worry, we will still post announcements when there are disruptive changes or problems that will affect you! If you would still like to be notified […]