125 Things We Love About MSUM

The question of the week is here! Who are your favorite faculty members, past or present, of MSUM, and how have they been influential? Your answer could be published in our magazine and/or on our 125th timeline (www.mnstate.edu/125th). Please include your year in school or your grad year. Email your responses to: shareyourstory@mnstate.edu or join the conversation at facebook.com/msumoorhead.

Looking for Student Stories

The University Marketing & Communications Office is looking for student stories. Do you know of a student who had an awesome internship, conducted research or had an interesting experience over the summer? If so, please send their name and a brief description of what they did to marketingteam@mnstate.edu. Someone from the Marketing team will contact the student for an interview. […]

Looking for Student Stories

The University Marketing & Communications Office is looking for student stories. Did you have an awesome internship, conduct research or have an interesting experience over the summer? If so, please send your name and a brief description of what you did to marketingteam@mnstate.edu, and you may be featured on the MSUM homepage rotating banner, social media, news release, etc. This […]