MSUM Alumni Foundation Giving Hearts Day total

Thanks to Dragons and friends everywhere, the MSUM Alumni Foundation was able to raise $20,800 for Giving Hearts Day! All of those proceeds will go toward student scholarships, and you helped make it happen. Thank you, Dragons. We’d also like to thank the Dakota Medical Foundation and other generous donors for the match.

Admissions seeking #BeADragon scholarship contest judges

The MSUM Admissions office is seeking judges for the #BeADragon scholarship contest. Volunteer judges will review the submissions and choose the winning entries. The first of the four $2,500 scholarships will be announced on Feb. 15. Judges will meet between Feb. 13 and 15 to finalize the first scholarship winner. If you are interested, please contact Jamie Wepking in the […]

Gilman Scholarship information meetings

Monday, Feb. 6 | 4 p.m. | CMU 214 or Tuesday, Feb. 7 | 12 p.m. | MA 169 Did you know: students who receive PELL grants as part of their financial aid are eligible to apply for the Gilman Scholarship for study abroad. MSUM students have received $5,000 from this program in the past. If you are curious about funding […]

Affinity Plus Scholarship deadline Jan. 31

The Affinity Plus Foundation will award eight $5,000 scholarships for the 2017-2018 school year. Scholarship applications are open through Jan. 31, 2017. For more information and to apply, visit All applications are taken online this year or stop into our campus office to inquire: CMU room 104.