Brad Bachmeier ceramic work to be displayed in NCECA Exhibit at MSP Airport

The Northern Clay Center has curated the exhibit “Duck Duck, Gray Duck” in a new 3D Art Exhibition Space at the Minneapolis St Paul International Airport–Terminal 1, opening February 2019 through July 2019. Brad Bachmeier, a ’93 MSUM art graduate and a professor in the university’s School of Art, was one of only 18 artists selected by Northern Clay to represent […]

MSUM new hires

Please join us in welcoming the following employees to Minnesota State University Moorhead! Make sure to stop by their departments to say hello and let them know it’s a GREAT day to be a Dragon! January 10, 2019 Brett Beil – Adjunct, Health and Physical Education Sarah Ring – Adjunct, Speech Language Hearing Sciences Darrin Grubb – Adjunct, Economics, Law and Politics […]

End of semester tasks

As finals begin and faculty start entering final grades for Fall 2018, please refer to the following checklist for end of semester tasks for your courses in D2L Brightspace. Online Course Evaluations Are you teaching an online course but need a way to conduct course evaluations? Consider using the Online Course Evaluation tool. (Optional) Display Cumulative Grade To Students Are […]