Dr. Hendrix-Sloan, Criminal Justice students tour N.D. prisons

On April 2, Dr. Geraldine Hendrix-Sloan, professor of Criminal Justice, and Criminal Justice Association student officers Erin Slack, Deanna Moen, Brooke Bergeron and 20 students toured two prisons in North Dakota: the Dakota Women’s Correctional Rehabilitation Center and the North Dakota State Penitentiary in Bismarck. Students were able to talk with inmates and staff about prison conditions in North Dakota […]

MSUM alumnus speaks at 18th Annual Gerontology Colloquium April 3

The 18th Annual Gerontology Colloquium took place on April 3. This year’s colloquium featured MSUM graduate Paul Baymler (B.A. Gerontology, 2014). Baymler is a Senior Linkage Line Phone Specialist with the Land of the Dancing Sky Area Agency on Aging, one of Minnesota’s seven area agencies on aging that are administered by the Minnesota Board on Aging. Students gained valuable […]

Student Senate elections

Student Senate elections begin Monday, April 8 and end on Friday, April 12. The following candidates have declared their candidacy: William Hagen: President Maryan Adepitan: Vice-President Jill Maahs: Secretary Emily Deglman: Treasurer Mohamed Conde: International Student Senator Mohammed Azad: International Student Senator Baylee Hanson: College of Education and Human Services Ethan Gerbig: College of Science, Health & the Environment Arsema […]

Nature Poetry Workshop

Sunday, April 7 | 1-4 p.m. | Tamarac Discovery Center (35704 County Hwy 26, Rochert, MN 56578) Awaken your spirit and connect with nature, then let it bloom like poetry. Author Kevin Zepper will introduce you to techniques for writing creative poetry inspired by nature. Zepper, an English professor at Minnesota State University Moorhead, is the author of the book-length […]