Economics program hosts Twin Cities alumni reunion

Alumni, current students, faculty members and guests of the MSUM Economics program were among more than 50 people gathered in the Twin Cities on April 25, 2019. Economics alumna Sarah Borgerding (2003) hosted current students and faculty members at HealthPartners in Bloomington, an organization offering both health insurance and care through more than 90 clinics and hospitals serving 1.2 million patients and 1.8 million insured members. Borgerding described how her degree in Economics and professional experiences in the healthcare industry prepared her for her current role as Growth & Business Development Advisor for HealthPartners.

The evening concluded with an alumni reunion at Rojo Mexican Grill in St. Louis Park where interactions occurred between MSUM President Anne Blackhurst, MSUM Alumni Foundation representatives, current and retired faculty members, current students and 32 alumni and their guests. Minnesota State Board of Trustee George Soule (1976) was among the alumni in attendance.

Current MSUM students spent Friday, April 26 at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus as guests of MSUM Economics 2018 alumni Matthew Dakken and Alexander Johnson, who are currently enrolled in graduate programs within the Humphrey School of Public Affairs.