‘Picturing Nam’ National Archives Exhibition

April 17 – May 25, 2019 | Art Annex Photographs are a powerful part of our collective memory of the Vietnam War. Many of the iconic photographs were taken by photojournalists working for newspapers, magazines or wire services. But there were also military photographers in Vietnam serving in our armed forces. They took thousands of photographs that covered every aspect […]

Economics program hosts Twin Cities alumni reunion

Alumni, current students, faculty members and guests of the MSUM Economics program were among more than 50 people gathered in the Twin Cities on April 25, 2019. Economics alumna Sarah Borgerding (2003) hosted current students and faculty members at HealthPartners in Bloomington, an organization offering both health insurance and care through more than 90 clinics and hospitals serving 1.2 million […]

Wind Ensemble Concert

Friday, May 3 | 7:30-9 p.m. | Hansen Theatre Plan to attend the final Wind Ensemble concert of spring semester featuring student Brian Wagner on bassoon. Conducted by Dr. Monte Grise, the ensemble will be playing music by John Barnes Chance, Luke Ellard and others. Tickets at mnstate.edu/tickets or buy at the door.

Film & Animation Capstone Project Screening

Friday, May 3 | 7 p.m. | Glasrud Auditorium School of Media Arts & Design Film & Animation seniors will present their Capstone Projects, this Friday, May 3 at Glasrud Auditorium, Weld Hall! Door open at 6:30, screening starts at 7 p.m. Last year this event was standing room only. Get there early! Free and open to the public. Refreshments served. Event Flyer

Choir, String Ensemble Concert

Sunday, May 5 | 4 p.m. | Trinity Lutheran Church (210 7th St S, Moorhead) The choir and string ensemble of Minnesota State University Moorhead will perform works by Pachebel, Purcell, Handel, Holst and others at Trinity Lutheran Church, 210 7th Street South in Moorhead on Sunday, May 5, at 4 p.m. The student ensembles are led by Dr. Erynn Millard, choir director, and Dr. Earnest Lamb, string ensemble director, from MSUM’s […]