Donate personal care items in the mass comm lounge to help the homeless during winter months

During winter months, local homeless shelters overflow with people needing a warm and safe place to stay. FM Sheltering Churches is an organization that works with congregations of the Fargo-Moorhead area to take turns in hosting up to 30 overflow guests, providing them with a place to sleep. The focus is to keep individuals experiencing homelessness safe and connected to […]

Spotlight on Service-Learning

This is the first of what will become monthly segments entitled Spotlight on Service-Learning. Each monthly Spotlight will highlight the endeavors of one of the many MSUM service-learning practitioners. This Month’s Spotlight on Service-Learning recognizes Dr. Sue Humphers-Ginther. Humphers-Ginther was recently interviewed regarding her service-learning work. Humphers-Ginther is a Professor of Sociology and the Gerontology Program Coordinator here at MSUM. […]

Daniel Mahraun to present at choral directors conference

Dr. Daniel Mahraun, Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Activities, has been invited to present at the biennial conference of the North Central Division of the American Choral Directors Association, in Des Moines in March 2014. His interest session, “‘What Language Shall I Borrow…?: Singing In Translation,” focuses on the issues involved in selecting an English translation for […]