Last day to donate used phones and accessories

This is the last day the Economic Society is collecting old phones and accessories for our service project. Donations will be collected in boxes in the following locations: MacLean 380 (Economics Department Office), CMU (close to US Bank ATM), Langseth Hall (1st Floor close to recycle boxes), Center for the Arts (Student Lounge), Residence and Housing Office (Ballard), and Center […]

CADT brings Visiting Artist, Bill Zarchy, to campus

CADT Visiting Artist, Bill Zarchy, will hold a workshop in Cinematography and Lighting for Film and Video, Tuesday, April 1, 6-9 p.m, King Hall. Zarchy is a professional Director of Photography who has traveled worldwide to shoot material for commercial clients, independent features, and musicians. He is based in San Francisco. This event is free and refreshments will be served.