Interdisciplinary partnership brings music and poetry together

Professor Terrie Manno, Music, and Kevin Zepper, MFA English, will present their collaborative music and poetry to students in Fox Theater on the Minnesota State University Minnesota campus on Friday, April 11 at 3 p.m. This is an interdisciplinary partnership Manno and Zepper began last year. Some of the work involves the William S. Burroughs “cut-up” approach to poetry. This […]

Raychl Smith gave invited lecture at the University of Iowa

Music department faculty member, Raychl Smith, gave an invited lecture on Creative Motion Pedagogy at the University of Iowa on April 4. The lecture was followed by a Creative Motion workshop with piano teachers from the Iowa Music Teacher’s Association, and a community workshop with local public school teachers and students. More information on Creative Motion Pedagogy may be found […]

Spanish major awarded Sigma Delta Pi’s Study Abroad Scholarship

Jenna Polley, a junior from Park Rapids, Minn., majoring in Spanish, was one of 11 recipients of the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, Sigma Delta Pi’s, study abroad scholarship for the summer of 2014. Polley was chosen from dozens of applicants from the more than 600 chapters of Sigma Delta Pi at Universities throughout the United States. Polley is the […]

Philosophy Colloquium Series continues

Dr. Phil Mouch, Philosophy, is going to give his colloquium on Wednesday, April 23, at 4:20 p.m. in MacLean Hall 165. His topic is “The Myth of Self-Defense.” The following is a synopsis of his talk: Two things are very clear from any survey of the relevant moral literature: taking life is generally wrong, and taking a life in self-defense […]

Journalism students win multiple awards in regional contests

Three Campus News Stories Move On to National SPJ Contest Three stories from Campus News, MSUM’s student produced newscast, were named as winners in the Society of Professional Journalists Mark of Excellence Awards. Stien Michalsen, a photographer for Campus News last spring, won in both the television news photography and the television sports photography categories. Collin Boyles, a 2013 graduate, […]