MSUM Percussionists Attend International Conference

Dr. Kenyon Williams, Professor of Music and Director of Percussion Studies at MSUM, will take a group of four MSUM percussion students to San Antonio, TX this week to attend the Percussive Arts Society International Convention (PASIC) Nov. 11th-14th. This annual convention attracts over 7,000+ percussionists from around the world for four days of clinics, masterclasses, and world-class performances. Their […]

BA/BFA Student Exhibition No. 1

The School of Visual Arts at Minnesota State University Moorhead invites the public to the reception for the first Fall 2015 BA/BFA Student Exhibition on Thursday, October 29 from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Roland Dille Center for Arts Gallery (CA 155). Artwork created by senior BA and BFA candidates Pam Ackerman, Lydia Anonsen, Daniel Kvale, Megan Redfield, Alison […]