Travel to Asia – Taiwan

Earn LASC 6, 8, & WI Credit Informational Meetings Thursday, Nov. 30 | 3 p.m. | MacLean 370 Monday, Dec. 4 | 11 a.m. | MacLean 370 Tuesday, Dec. 5 | 12 p.m. | MacLean 373 MSUM is hosting a Grand Tour of Taiwan. Humanities 320 spring semester and a May/June 2018 tour of the most fascinating, historical, and cultural […]

Drs. Kramar, Branden publish article with student co-authors

Dr. David Kramar of the Department of Anthropology and Earth Science, and the Center for Geospatial Studies, and Dr. Karen Branden of the the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice, and the Center for Diversity and Social Justice recently published an article entitled “A Spatially Informed Analysis of Environmental Justice: Analyzing the Effects of Gerrymandering and the Proximity of Minority […]

Minnesota State Employees’ Combined Charities Campaign is here

From Oct. 1 through Oct. 31, join us in a competition with the other Minnesota State Universities to be the most charitable institution. We are competing for the highest percentage of employee participation—even $10 helps! Employees can donate to a charity of their choice through payroll deduction. Set it up once, and your generosity keeps giving all year long!  This […]