Office of Undergraduate Admissions welcomes Mai See Yang as admissions representative

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions is pleased to announce the appointment of Mai See Yang to the role of Twin Cities-based Admissions Representative, effective February 26. Mai See will be an excellent addition to the admissions team. She brings work experience that is directly related to the role she will be fulfilling. Currently she is a Twin Cities-based Admissions Officer […]

Adventures in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing our adventures on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide you with a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. Our admissions rep, Jenna, is doing a classroom presentation to juniors at Frazee High School on Tuesday, January 23 to discuss the next steps of coming to college. […]

Student leadership position applications open

Student Leadership Position applications are now being accepted for the 2018-2019 academic year! For the following positions: Dragon Ambassador Dragon Mentor International Student Diplomat Resident Assistant SMART Start Mentor Student Orientation Counselor Wellness Educator Peer Advisor Communication Specialist (Student Union and Activities Marketing Team) Creative Communication Specialist (Student Union and Activities Marketing Team) Dragon Entertainment Group Event Coordinator Dragon Entertainment […]

Admissions seeking #BeADragon scholarship contest judges

The MSUM Admissions office is seeking judges for the #BeADragon scholarship contest. Judges will meet between November 30-December 4 to evaluate, score, and and select the winners for the #BeADragon Scholarship campaign. If you are interested, please contact Jamie Wepking in the Undergraduate Admissions office at or at 477-2564.

Adventures in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing our adventures on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide you with a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. We have paired with College Possible and Concordia College to bring prospective students in this past Saturday for an opportunity to visit both campuses. College Possible helps low-income […]