Adventures in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing our adventures on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide you with a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. Approximately 50 students visited campus through the organization College Possible on Saturday, Nov. 10. MSUM will host a Transfer Open House on Thursday, Nov. 15. The open house […]

10 ideas to enjoy Minne-snow-ta

Just because the temperature is getting colder and there is snow on the ground, doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time. There is tons of stuff to do, both on and off campus, that will help make the winter fly by. Make it a board games night, play in the CMU or the residence halls Utilize the residence hall […]

National Stress Awareness Day

November 7, 2018 Today is National Stress Awareness Day. This is a holiday that we involuntarily celebrate 365 days a year. A study from Ohio State University published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that dealing with long-term stress can actually change your genes, leading to an increase in inflammation that can bring on a variety […]

Why should you visit MSU Moorhead?

You can research online as much as you want, but the best way to find out what MSU Moorhead is all about is to experience it in person with a campus visit. Visiting MSUM during the fall or spring semesters while classes are in session will give you a real feel for student life on campus. Meet with an Admissions […]

Adventures in Admissions

Each week the Office of Admissions will be sharing our adventures on campus and in our recruiting territories. We hope to provide you with a brief look into what’s happening in Admissions. It’s the final week of College Knowledge Month. Through Wednesday, Oct. 31, students can apply to MSUM for free! Admissions Representatives Ronny Bradtke and Mai See Yang are attending […]