Neuroscience Minor & Journal Discussion Group Meetings

Neuroscience Meetings on Campus this Month! Come to our Neuroscience Minor Meet & Greet, meet faculty and students, and eat free food! Then stay for our Journal Discussion Group where we’ll be questioning and discussing the Serotonin Theory of Depression. Wednesday 9/28, Hagen 104 Science/Tech Library, 6 p.m. Check here for details and  to download our article for discussion. ( ————————————————————– […]

MSUM Students Contribute Data to NASA Mission

MSUM students Mara DeRung and Emily Watson submitted observations of an exoplanet transit to NASA’s TESS mission as part of the ground follow-up group. A transit occurs when a planet orbiting another star passes in front of the star, briefly dimming its light. The green line in the graph below shows the tiny dip in brightness of the star as […]

HLC Coordinating Committee leads successful completion of Year 4 Assurance Review   

Dear Colleagues and Students,  I’m happy to report that MSUM received confirmation in August from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) that the university successfully completed its Year 4 Assurance Review with no recommended monitoring.   This four-year review is a critical milestone in MSUM’s regional accreditation. A team of our peers from 5 other regional institutions completed an extensive evaluation of […]

Campus Committees List and Responsibilities

The final Committees and Task Forces master list has been posted on the committee SharePoint site: Please review the list and incorporate any changes to the committees you lead effective with Fall 2022. If you are the designated person the committee is advisory to and there isn’t an identified chair in the master committee list, you are responsible to […]