Featured Employer: H2M

Thursday, Sept. 12 | 3-4 p.m. | Center for the Arts 163

H2M brings their intelligence, intuition and insight to bear on business problems and utilize the magic of focused creativity to provide measurable results. They reach for ridiculous but achievable goals and are an agency that zigs when competitors zag. They are natural skeptics of the latest and greatest tactics until they are proven to be fruitful.

Who from H2M is coming? Jason Jacobson (Senior Creative Strategist), Jamie Odum Thompson (Graphic Designer) and Danielle Maetche (Senior Account Manager).

Want to target following majors: Advertising, Public Relations, Communications, Journalism, Business: Marketing, Film Production, Graphic Communications, Graphic Design or related major.

Here is the agenda for the event:

3-3:10 p.m.
Introduction by Employer to speak about:
Who they are?
What makes them unique?
Who their clients are or what their niche is?
What is their company culture and values?

3:10-3:50 p.m. 
Each person from the company talk about: 
What they do?
What was their major?
What was their first job and their career path and how they got where they are at today?
What does a typical day for them look like (ex. Meetings, designing etc.)? Who are they working with? 
What do they like about working in their industry?
What is one thing they wish they would have known before they entered the work force?
What is one professional tip you would give students?
Anything else you would like to discuss?

3:50-4 p.m.
Is there opportunity for growth within your organization?
What opportunities do you have available and how do you apply (full-time, part-time, internship etc)

If you have questions, please contact Jami Crummy in the Career Development Center.

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