Welcome to the #DragonFamily: Megan Rutledge

Meet MSUM General Maintenance Worker Megan Rutledge. With her drive to get things done, she perfectly embodies what it means to have MSUM grit.
Start date: January 23, 2019
Q: What drew you to MSUM?
A: I liked that this is a night shift because I don’t mind being a night owl. I like the core values that the school holds on to. Everyone in the faculty wants to be humble and has grit and heart. I just enjoy that there is a place that has values and support goals alongside them.
Q: What is one thing that surprised you about MSUM?
A: How much I like having a labor-intensive job. I really like what I do. I don’t like having a desk job because I want to do something like exercise and moving around.
Q: What unique experience or skills from your last job do you bring to MSUM?
A: I believe you bring customer service skills forever and it is really important when you are working with people. I also have the grit to get things done; not just waiting for someone else to do it.
Q: How do you prefer to start your workday?
A: I walk around and check if anything has any changes or check if there are events I need to prepare for. The next thing is going through my areas and seeing which one I need to tackle first.
Q: If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
A: I would like to go to Vietnam because I am half Vietnamese. I would also like to visit some of Europe but first of all, it would be Vietnam.
Welcome to the #DragonFamily, Megan. We are happy you are here!