Teaching that Promotes Learning Aug. 18

The first Faculty Development event of 2009-2010 will be held on August 18 from 10-11:30 a.m. in Science Lab 104. Dr. Maryellen Weimer will present on “Teaching that Promotes Learning.”

Maryellen has devoted her professional life to the study of improving college teaching and learning. This is evident through her winning Penn State’s Milton S. Eisenhower Award for Distinguished Teaching, serving as editor of The Teaching Professor newsletter for the past 22 years, consulting with over 400 colleges and universities, delivering keynote addresses at national meetings and conferences, and authoring and editing eight books. Her book titled, “How am I teaching?” has been widely used on our campus and recognized as an excellent resource.

This academic year the Faculty Development Committee will feature two of her books at our events: Classroom Communication: Collected Readings for Effective Discussion and Questioning and Learner Centered Teaching. Currently, Maryellen is a Professor Emeritus of Teaching and Learning at Penn State. See her blog at http://www.teachingprofessor.com/author/mweimer

Dr. Weimer’s book, Learner centered teaching, is available as an easy-to-read e-book from the Livingston Lord Library’s catalog.

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