Common Book Read Meeting on Monday February 3

This calendar event is for group discussions around the common book read of Teaching with AI: A Practical Guide to a New Era in Human Learning in CMU 105. A Zoom option is available for anyone unable to attend in person. Primary discussion topics will include: February 3 – Part One: Thinking with AI March 3 – Part Two: Teaching with AI April 7 […]

School Psych grad students and faculty attend and present at state MSPA conference

Over 30 School Psychology graduate students and 2 faculty attended the MN School Psych Association MidWinter conference in Plymouth, MN on Jan 23-24.  Seven students (Alea Al-Jahari, Adara Kamerainen, Lilianna Canella, Kierra Lodwick, Anna Bartels, Cassie Rostvet, and Megan Oliver) had poster presentations on topics ranging from early reading intervention to behavior and mental health supports for children and youth.  […]

MSUM students and alumni create, star in MSUM commercials

Whether as producers, videographers, or actors, Dragons are at the heart of MSUM’s new commercial series. Both current students and alumni played crucial roles in developing and creating the promotional videos.  “The opportunity to reach a wider audience and create a new generation of Dragons is really exciting to be a part of,” says Lucas Rutten, alum and lead project manager […]

Dr. Erin Gillett and colleagues publish in The Reading League Journal

Dr. Erin Gillett, Professor of Early Childhood Education in the School of Teaching and Learning, and her colleagues from three other Minnesota Institutions of Higher Education, published an article in the January/February 2025 issue of The Reading League Journal.  Titled, The Science of Reading and Higher Education: Minnesota Takes Action, the article describes the year-long professional learning community for teacher […]

Dr. Lisa Habedank Stewart receives Minnesota School Psychology Association’s Ysseldyke Lifetime Achievement Award

Dr. Lisa Habedank Stewart was the recipient of the 2025 Minnesota School Psychology Association Ysseldyke Lifetime Achievement Award to acknowledge her exceptional contributions to the School Psychology field for 30+ years.  Noted accomplishments include authorship on numerous research publications, development of curricula in early literacy, MTSS and RTI, consultation for Minnesota Reading and Math Corps and training of hundreds of […]