Alumni-owned bakery leads to sweet success

MSUM alumni Morgan Laite (’17) and Maggie Thoemke (’16, ’19) met when they found themselves working at a job together which they didn’t enjoy. Bonding over their shared experience at MSUM, similar personalities, and the fact that they were born nine days apart, they quickly became close friends. Fueled by this friendship, the duo set out to start jobs they would enjoy.

Maggie loves baking and Morgan has always dreamed of owning a business, so in April 2023, they filed to become an LLC and start their new business together. Black Cat Bakery officially opened in Moorhead on December 18, 2023, and quickly garnered rave reviews and immense support from the community.

“The community is so behind us. Moorhead feels like a tight-knit family; people are psyched that we are here,” Morgan says.

Read the full story here: Alumni-owned bakery leads to sweet success

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