Invitation to attend Dragon VALOR, a Veteran allyship workshop

The Veterans Resource Outreach team invites staff and faculty to attend Dragon VALOR, a Veteran allyship workshop, on Tuesday, April 30 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. in the Faculty and Professional Learning Center (Library 124). The session is capped at 30 participants. If you are interested in attending, please register via Dragon Central.

The mission of Dragon VALOR is to create a more welcoming and inclusive campus for our student Veterans and elevate their academic success. Creating a network of staff and faculty allies is essential to the success of Dragon VALOR and our current and future student Veterans.

By participating in Dragon VALOR, we will

      Explore Military experiences and impacts


      Recognize challenges facing student Veterans


      Identify campus and community resources available to support student Veterans


    Understand expectations of being a Dragon VALOR ally

Prior to attending either the morning or afternoon session, please create a free account at PsychArmor and watch “15 Things Veterans Want You to Know” (17 minutes). This video will be the basis for our discussion of student Veteran allyship on campus. PsychArmor is a free comprehensive library of Military culture educational resources. (PsychArmor will not send you messages cluttering your inbox.)

If you cannot attend this session, do not worry. We will be offering both in-person and virtual Dragon VALOR sessions over the summer and next academic year. 

Dragon VALOR is an MSUM initiative under the Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success grant from the U.S. Department of Education.