‘Art-A-Fair’ celebrates a decade of encouraging high school students to participate in the arts

By Lonna Whiting, January 15, 2024

MOORHEAD — While arts and humanities programs are being reconfigured or canceled altogether at colleges and universities around the country, you’d assume something like Minnesota State University Moorhead’s Art-A-Fair participation would wane as well.


Now in its tenth year, the event brings hundreds of high school students and teachers from North Dakota, Minnesota and South Dakota to campus — a testament to art’s ability to enable learning and discovery at all ages.

“Students get excited about seeing their art displayed professionally and enjoy getting to look at student work from different schools,” Danielle Gravon, director of art exhibitions at MSUM, said. “It’s great to see them take pride in their achievements and support the successes of their peers.”

The annual high school art exhibition, workshop day and awards ceremony is a multi-dimensional experience that provides high school students the opportunity to attend workshops, display works and participate in a juried show, according to Brad Bachmeier, local artist, MSUM art teacher and Art-A-Fair organizer.

Read the full Inforum story.

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